
60 Minutes Backing Down on Benghazi Report? Update: CBS Pulls 60 Minutes Benghazi Video Page

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)11/07/2013 7:10:42 pm PST

re: #110 thedopefishlives

My big thing is that churches are really so self-centered. Christians have made churches into their own little echo chambers where they worship and pray and have their own little rah-rah Jesus club, but it’s not supposed to be like that. Churches are supposed to be freaking SANCTUARIES, where anyone is welcome without judgment to come and meet with Jesus. They’ve strayed from their mission into politics, wealth accumulation, and exclusive socialization. It’s been a bee in my bonnet since I was a teenager, but I wasn’t able to articulate it nearly so well back then.

We have the rise of the megachurches to thank for stuff like that. When my great uncle was a RCC priest way back when. It was more community. Now I hear about preachers who drive sports cars and live in mansions. My uncle lived among the poor in a poor Louisiana parish and he sadly also struggled with alcoholism. The irony to me as someone baptized Catholic is seeing Evangelical churches which had their origins criticizing the glitz and glamour of Rome become just like that. I also really resent them using their political views to rationalize their religious views. Christ wasn’t a laissez-faire capitalist. I am not one who believes he was a communist either for that matter.