
Sarah Palin's Word Salad of the Day

ObserverArt11/11/2013 2:21:49 pm PST

re: #86 wrenchwench

Let’s make that true.

I come from a place where girls could not wear pants to school. Where girls could not take wood shop, or physics, or drafting. Where Sarah could not have played basketball in college. Where a woman who wanted to run for office in the P.T.A. was told to go home and bake cookies.

And I’m only 6 years older than Sarah.

It’s not a big deal. Sarah wants to take away women’s rights, so in a way she ‘deserves’ sexist jokes and derision. But if we can mock her without validating the sexism, so much the better.


But ineptness is ineptness no matter what the inept is trying to accomplish. Male or Female.

Would you be more comfortable if the initial comment that I added to was such (original was #32 Egregious Philbin)…

Sarah, go home and raise your damned kids so they all don’t turn out to be white trash. Stay out of the wood shop so you don’t saw your hand off, and please do not study to be a physicist, we wouldn’t want to see you around any nuclear material. And for gods sake, if you are gonna wear the pants in the family, pull ‘em up so we don’t see your ass!

Better? But then those comments could be considered sexist too as they are telling a woman she shouldn’t be around saws, nuclear material and pants.

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

: )