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Backwoods Sleuth1/20/2017 12:30:03 pm PST

re: #97 Belafon

Let me ask you a serious question on this: How much would I need to know to run for school board? If I were to pick one of those that I’m the best fit for, it would be School Board. But even then, I’m not up to speed on what the school board does? Should I wait and learn more first. There are elections coming up, and for me to sign up I would need to do so soon.

A second question (which I know from personal experience) is: How much is the filing fee you have to pay in order to run?

Both paid and unpaid elected positions in my county (including school board and others) cost at least $50 to file. Running for higher offices, the fees increase to $200 for state rep/sen/judge and $500 for other state level office (like governor) and US Rep/Sen.

$50 may not mean much to most people, but my county has a poverty level of almost 30%. It’s a lot of money to a lot of people.