
House GOP Wants to Cut $1B From Disaster Funds to Finance Trump's Imaginary Border Wall

Rightwingconspirator8/31/2017 5:49:46 am PDT

This one for Bubblehead

A U.S. Navy Nuclear Submarine Once Submerged In A River To Ride Out A Hurricane

With no diesel fuel onboard and the reactor cold, running only on battery power, the dive alarm was sounded and Narwhal’s crew executed their orders, dropped anchor, flooded the sub’s ballast tanks and submerging to the river bed. Just the submarine’s sail and masts were left sticking up out of the water (pictured at the top of this article). The crew sat in the submarine with everything off but emergency lighting to wait out the storm, watching the hurricane’s 150mph winds rage around them through the narrow field of view of submarine’s periscope.

The captain’s bold plan worked, it took some time the next morning to break the boat free from the silt it lay in, but Narwhal and her crew came out unscathed. The submarine went on to get its refueling and refit and served another decade as part of her 30 year long career.