
Colbert: Nine Days Into the Biden Presidency, It's Time for a Look Back

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷1/30/2021 2:55:05 pm PST

re: #88 William Lewis

No effing reason to be shooting at a shoplifter. If I were the DA I’d charge the fool with attempted murder (though a conviction on reckless endangerment would be good.). I also hope the person he hit sues the snot out of him.

There are valid places and times to use a personal defense weapon, though many fewer than RAMBO! wants to imagine. This was emphatically not one of them.

Wingnuts imagine themselves as gunslinger sheriffs or something. Libertarians hold property rights to be sacred above everything else.

That said, Arizona doesn’t have an explicit “stand your ground” law, and force used must be proportional to the threat (shoplifting doesn’t equal shooting like it does say in Florida).

That said, to get a conviction on murder or manslaughter charges, you would need to have a jury of twelve non-wingnuts and non-libertarians to avoid a hung jury.

A more likely favourable outcome would be if the employee sued, but that also assumes the shooter has anything worth taking.