
VIDEO: Steve Bannon Confirms Leaked Audio of Trump Plan to 'Declare Himself Winner'

Jay C7/15/2022 12:25:59 pm PDT

re: #50 Eclectic Cyborg

[Embedded content]

Yeah, definitely needs scare quotes around those “liberal friends”…

But SRSLY, Kevin: what “policies” did Trump come into office on? I can recall just 3:
1) “Repeal and replace Obamacare” - and never mind the utter lack of any “replacement”.
- abandoned after an unprecedented negative public outcry.
2) Cut taxes (only/mainly for the wealthy, but not pitched that way).
- Passed by GOP - no surprise.
3) Building a huge “impenetrable” wall (only) on the Mexican border.
- Do we even need to discuss?

Or TFG’s foreign-policy “triumphs”??

Actually, there was ONE: an easing of relations between Israel and (some of) the UAE (and Saudi Arabia). And not really that much of a “triumph”.