
From Fish to Football

Aye Pod3/12/2009 5:44:58 pm PDT

re: #88 Skaught

For the third time, my point is that if LGF doesn’t intend to mock Christianity in general, it would be a good idea to not use a symbol that is perceived as mocking Christianity in general.

It’s harder than you might think to express one’s feelings on certain things without offending some people. For example, the Jesus fish is offensive to some people too. It is often seen as a kind of territorial marker for a certain kind of in-your-face Christianity, the sort that is probably most likely to not only embrace creationism but also want it taught to other people’s children in public school. This is no doubt part of the reason why some pro-evolution Christians and atheists sport this item on their bumpers.

If it’s not a good idea to knowingly cause offence by using a
Darwin fish then it’s not a good idea to knowingly cause offence by using a Jesus fish either.