
Cannibalism at Health Care Rally in Los Angeles

Lee Coller9/03/2009 9:32:59 am PDT

re: #42 Charles

The latest hyperventilation — Gateway Pundit is yelling that he found Van Jones’ name on a list of people calling for 9/11 investigations on a Truther site. He says Jones “signed” the list.

It apparently hasn’t occurred to him that Truthers tend to lie, and that anyone can put any name at all on a web page — and he appears to have no interest in confirming that it’s really Van Jones before trumpeting it to the world.

According to the internet archive, Van Jones was a signatory from at least Jan 22, 2005. While it would be nice to confirm this through his own statements, I wouldn’t be at all surprised to find out the allegation is true, as far as I know he was a relative unknown back then.