
German Reporter to Inhofe: 'You're Ridiculous'

๐Ÿˆ Crush White Christian Nationalism ๐Ÿˆ12/19/2009 12:29:25 pm PST

Sure Inhofe is nuts, but heโ€™s one of the few senators fighting against government overreach destroying the snake business / hobby.

The Senate Committee on the Environment & Public Works (EPW) has passed S. 373 aka โ€˜The Python Banโ€™. The committee held a mark up session on S. 373, to amend title 18, United States Code, to add constrictor snakes of the species Python genera to the Injurious Wildlife list of the Lacey Act. Senator James Inhofe (R-OK) (Ranking Member) expressed concerns about the bill. Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD) offered an amendment to limit the scope of the bill to only the 9 snakes addressed in the USGS report on large constrictors. Senator Cardin further agreed to work with Senator Inhofe to improve the bill prior to a vote on the Senate floor. The amendment was passed by voice vote. S373 was then voted out of Committee by voice vote with Senator Inhofe registering a NO vote.

S373 has now passed out of committee. It cannot become law until it is voted on and passed by the full Senate and House of Representatives. There is still much work to be done prior to the Python Ban becoming law. S373 in its current form is unacceptable to USARK and the Reptile Nation. We will continue to work with Senator Inhofe, Senator Cardin and the EPW Committee Staff to shape the future of this bill. Please make an appointment to visit with your Senator and express your concerns with S373. Everyone needs to step up and make contact with your Senator. Let USARK know about your meeting. It is time to step up our game and show Washington we are serious about this. Continue the good fight. The Reptile Nation thanks Senator Inhofe for his even handed treatment of our industry.

It is extremely important for everyone in the Reptile Nation to take direct action to STOP S. 373. If you donโ€™t take massive action now you may never get another chance to effect this legislation. We have come too far to give up now. We can win if we all pull together and take massive action. DO IT NOW!