
Tim Blair, Investigative Reporter

BlackFedora4/27/2010 11:26:50 am PDT

That’s the thing about extremists. It doesn’t matter if they are political extremists or religious extremists or what but its absolutely forbidden anyone ever change their mind. God forbid anyone change their mind about an issue. You’ve got to crystallize your belief system and stick to it until kingdom come. They have it in their heads that you cannot change your mind and do so because you sat down and used reason… its because you are just a miserable mentally ill intellectual light weight or you’re being offered a lot of money or you’re some kind of shill or whore… the ridiculousness goes on and on.

I feel I’ve got somewhat of an understanding of this because I’ve been guilty of extremism in the past (religious and political) and learned from that mistake.

I don’t know that I would vote for Obama like Charles declares he would but I definitely think he’s being reasonable and isn’t shilling or is having some sort of psychotic break from reality like some posters at Hot Air and other places suggest.