
Jon Stewart on the 'Mega Mosque' Morons

(I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)7/08/2010 2:44:47 pm PDT

re: #110 Jimmah

Don’t want to visit his shitty site. Maybe you’d like to summarise his reply?

How about I just quote it in whole?:

I’m not really on the show. As you can see, Stewart just replays and ridicules a portion of my recent appearance on the Hannity Show. He singles out for mockery my statement that Islamic law dictates laws for non-believers, whereas other religious traditions don’t, and juxtaposes my statement with a number of speakers saying that American law is rooted in the Ten Commandments and the Judeo-Christian tradition.

Stewart’s entire argument here in favor of the building of mosques at Ground Zero and elsewhere is based on the assumption that Islam is equivalent to Judaism and Christianity in its compatibility with the Establishment Clause and the sacred/secular distinction that prevails in American society and law. He is assuming that Islam has no political or supremacist character that is any different from that found in Christianity, and that if Islamic supremacists wish to impose Islamic laws on non-believers, that’s just the same as Christians fighting against abortion laws, etc.

The only problem with this is that it’s false. No doubt Stewart has never heard of the dhimma, the institutionalized subjugation of non-Muslims and denial of their equality of rights that is part and parcel of Islamic law in all its various forms to this day, but it is a very different thing from Christians or Jews working in the public arena for popular acceptance of their programs. If Christians or Jews were working subversively to impose laws that would strip equality of rights from whole segments of the population, but as I showed in my 2007 book Religion of Peace?, such contentions about “Christian extremists” are largely chimerical, and designed to distract attention from the real and growing threat to Constitutional liberties — that of Islamic supremacism.

Anyway, I’d be glad to discuss these matters further with Jon Stewart, either on or off the air. But let’s just say I won’t be waiting by the phone.

Video heads-up thanks to Kamala.