
Eric Cantor Joins the Bigot Brigade

Mad Prophet Ludwig8/12/2010 11:04:07 am PDT

“Everybody knows America’s built on the rights of free expression, the rights to practice your faith, but come on.”

But come on? Yes, the cornerstone rights that make our nation free and civilized are noting to worry about. There is nothing to see here. They are little things to be brushed aside for a moment of cheap political game with frightened bigots.

It is not just the immorality of trivializing the constitution or the callous, self serving evil of it that offends. It is the fact that an elected representative who is supposed to value American values so blythely and unthinkingly throws out the core of our nation’s values with such a sneer, as if it were a little and obvious thing to do.

But come on! It’s nothing. Oh sure we teach our children that we are a better nation fo upholding such liberties and proud, good men die to defend such liberties, but come on! It’s surely a little thing. Nothing to see here.

Cantor is a repulsive stain on this nation. He is yet another craven and calculating bit of smug Republican vermin who not only hates what America is all about, but is smug about it.

In a better world, this rasha would be immediately impeached for saying such things.