
Amazon's Black Friday Deals Week

dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸11/22/2011 3:17:37 pm PST

the discussion here always seems to be entirely about ows methods

gallup today on OWS:

Americans have grown a bit more critical over the past month of the methods used by Occupy Wall Street protesters; however, their overall view of the movement and position on its goals have not changed. The majority of Americans, 53%, say they neither support nor oppose the movement, while supporters continue to slightly outnumber opponents.

the poll seems to show three things:

1) nearly half of americans aren’t paying any attention to it to speak of

2) the goals, as perceived by those paying attention, are differentiated from tactics

3) views on the goals from democrats, and, critically, independents, who are paying attention, are significantly more positive than negative, but views about the tactics are more mixed, with 26% of independents disapproving and 20% approving