
Bain Press Release Described Romney as 'Part-Time' CEO in July 1999

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus7/13/2012 2:19:38 pm PDT

re: #108 Charles Johnson

The political machinery is already in crisis management-mode - From “pro life” outlet LifeNews:

Obama 11th-Hour Attack on Romney May Involve False Abortion Story

With millions of pro-life voters up in arms about President Barack Obama’s lengthy pro-abortion record and pro-life groups backing Mitt Romney as a pro-life contrast to him, the 2012 election has already become an ideological one that will likely be won by the candidate with the best voter turnout of his base.

However, if Obama can somehow erode their confidence in him to promote the pro-life perspective as president that could suppress turnout of social conservative voters.

Jim Geraghty, a National Review writer, has spotted what he thinks is a very likely 11th-hour attack the Obama campaign may run against Romney in an attempt to may him look disingenuous about his pro-life conversion. Geraghty cites a CNS News report also speculating about such an attack on Romney in the days leading up to the November election.

The attack would center on disproved claims that Romney, during his time at Bain Capital, which once owned waste cleanup company Stericycle, was somehow associated with the company arranging contracts with Planned Parenthood and other abortion businesses to dispose of the bodies of babies victimized by abortions. LifeNews has rebutted these false attacks, which are based on erroneous claims that Romney worked at Bain longer than either he or Bain say was the case and we have noted that no documents exist showing any connection between Romney and Stericycle’s link to the abortion industry.


So their answer is simply that Romney didn’t do it.