
Overnight Open Thread

yma o hyd8/14/2009 8:56:20 am PDT

re: #1102 turn

I always get side tracked here, I should set the links aside too but I never seem to find time to go back to them and stuff slips through the cracks. Luke is fine, still boobing along. He found two tennis balls yesterday, he’s obsesseed I tell ya. Little Willie had us scared, he threw up a little blood a couple of days ago. The turnwife figured out he bit his tounge of all things. How’s Madame? I have to make it to Wales some day. Thre was something wrong with your beach picture, it wasn’t raining! ha

Madame is o.k., provided I don’t let her romp around too much! She’s met Baz, the holiday visitor, a few times now - they are all over each other, too funny!
He’ll come to stay with us for a week in September - I’m soo looking forward to it!

As for the missing rain - heh, we do get the odd spell of sunshine here and there! September is usually a good month …

I’m glad little Willie is ok - its so worrying because they can’t really tell us what is wrong with them. Lots of detective work needed to find out …