
Huckabee on Hannity: The Stimulus Bill Persecutes Christians

Dar ul Harb2/13/2009 10:07:01 pm PST

re: #1092 realwest

Good evening, realwest.

As you’re a fellow member of LGF’s legal community, I was hoping you’d comment on the link I posted in the spinoffs in which Robert Alt at NRO’s Bench Memos is arguing that the offending religious language in the porkulus bill is actually unconstitutional.

I’m not that up on the details of recent First Amendment jurisprudence myself, but given that the Supreme Court has in recent years, to my understanding, re-balanced the free exercise and establishment clauses, it seems a fair argument.

(I know you’re thinking, why am I asking you to do some work late on a Friday night… but you’re retired aren’t you? ;) Anyway, I’ll buy you a round on the FNDT.)