
A Great NYT Piece on FISA Courts and the NSA

Heywood Jabloeme7/07/2013 4:53:31 pm PDT

e: #42 Heywood Jabloeme

calls out the Obama administration for expanding the definition of the term “national security” so that they could expand the use of domestic spying.

This court and procedure were in place before Obama became President. The court was established by Congress.

If you want to cast blame, cast it on the correct responsible party.

HSG - Not true. There have been 2 MAJOR revisions since he has been POTUS and they both effected the FISA and the FISCR proceedures and Obama signed them both. And he voted for the laws bofore that as Senator and 1 extension as President and ignored an Amendment by Wyden to make it all more transparent.

He owns the current process.