
The Always Disgusting Jim Hoft: Elliot Rodger Was "Another Far Left Mass Murderer"

A Mom Anon5/25/2014 2:04:36 pm PDT

re: #106 CuriousLurker

Don’t apologize, you’re spot on with this. Monsters may have different goals, but they mostly operate in the same ways. You can’t commit atrocity (or make a good living at it) without making sure your hatred spreads like a virus. If people don’t get on board, evil has less of a chance to flourish. And it does work that way, hatred is contagious and addictive. And if you notice, it also ages people dramatically, precisely because it’s unhealthy. I think it rots you from the inside. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if some of the people who’ve been at this for several years don’t also have assorted physical issues too.

All of this is frightening to watch sometimes. America is a really strong country, but we are not immune to destroying ourselves from within. I’d argue it’s about the only way we can destroy the nation. Sometimes it makes me really sad and anxious. And I wonder if other people feel it and that’s why so many people are medicated or self medicating right now.