
Yes, It's Yet Another Deluge of Open Racism at Breitbart "News"

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines8/12/2014 12:08:54 pm PDT

re: #100 Targetpractice

They probably bought most of that with the DHS funds that came in the aftermath of 9/11. You remember, when we were giving money away to every two-bit LEO department under the guise of “modernizing” them for major humanitarian disasters, but instead saw the money go towards everything from rifles and body armor to APCs?

A small town New Mexico cop bragged to me that his department had used DHS funds to buy 6 new sniper rifles for about $7500 each. He lamented that he and his fellow officers would now have to spend a lot more time on the range trying to improve their marksmanship enough to have any chance of using the new rifles properly. That town has never had a sniper incident, let alone a terrorist attack.