
The Michael Brown Shooting Incident Report Is Ridiculous

KiTA8/22/2014 11:35:37 am PDT

re: #104 Ace-o-aces

I think they panicked.

It’s one thing for their officers to treat black people like subhumans, which they have a well documented history of doing, it’s another to gun them down in the street because they refused to let you drag them into a car through a window like an animal — in front of dozens of witnesses, no less.

They fucked up, they went into the standard coverup they do for all these kinds of things — write down nothing, circle the wagons, etc — and then it blew up in their faces.

I half expect them to find an incident report of some kind, but hidden away someplace else. I read someplace that they’re standard MO was not to put any evidence in the proper place, but instead file it someplace else so it would be missed — for example, any accusations of overuse of force weren’t put in the officer’s file, instead they were added to the file for that particular incident — so any history of violent behavior that Wilson might have had, for example, would be spread throughout a hundred case files instead of in his official record.