
Watch Live: The Utterly Delusional Fanatics of the Values Voter Summit, Featuring Sarah Palin

Ian G.9/26/2014 12:29:14 pm PDT

BTW, on the topic of the utter derangement of the right believing that ISIS is pouring across the Mexican border, someone needs to troll these people by tweeting info about the Boquillas border crossing.

That’s right, kids. Instead of razor wire and electric fences and armed guards who shoot to kill, we’ve got a border crossing that has no guards and a guy in a rowboat ready to take you across.

In all honesty, I’m hoping to get down to Big Bend next spring, and this is one of the trips I want to take. Ride a rowboat into Mexico. Ride a burro into town. Have a beer and a tamale in a restaurant that looks like it’s right out of a Sergio Leone film.