
Reports: Harris Thought Adopted Daughters Were Possessed by Demons

lawhawk3/11/2015 1:31:23 pm PDT

re: #79 Kragar

Short of bombing them out of existence, what the heck does Jindal propose doing that isn’t already being done or contemplated? If talks fail (as they might) then we’re going to see more sanctions on top of those already in effect.

Israel could conceivably try to take out the nuke sites as they’ve done in Iraq and Syria previously, but as I’ve outlined previously, this is not likely to happen, and isn’t likely to be successful due to how dispersed the Iranian nuclear program is.

The US/Israelis could conceivably pull off another Stuxnet type attack to screw up the centrifuge systems, ruining them entirely, but that’d be a whole lot more difficult give the attention to what happened the last time.

So, what else is there Jindal? GOP?