
Wunderkind Jacob Collier's First Video From His Debut Album Is Insanely Great

Kafitrar4/02/2016 9:04:14 pm PDT

One of my friends is a Bernie fan. He just posted this on Facebook about Sanders’ recent speech in the Bronx.

This speech is beautiful, simple and so important.
19,000 people came together in the South Bronx to hear it.
Especially the part about how change happens. What undergirds the Democratic race is a fundamental difference between the two candidates. One believes that change happens because smart elites cut deals in private and the obstacle to this elite deal-making are loud, indecorous, non-elite social movements. The other knows that change happens because social movements grow so large, so loud, so powerful, so undisputed in their occupation of the moral high ground that elites, in private, begin pretending that those movements’ demands were their idea all along.

I couldn’t roll my eyes hard enough.