
Grotesque Photo of the Day: Donald Trump Kissing a "Women for Trump" Sign

🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈10/12/2016 4:21:39 pm PDT

re: #112 petesh

I skimmed through the comments at the NYT article. I guess the MRAs havent got off their couches yet, because I only saw one comment that was remotely questioning of the stories, and that called them β€œhearsay” (inaccurately) and came from someone who claimed not to support Trump.

I am not surprised, and I am glad that other victims are coming forward, and I expect there will be more. But I am sickened.

I expect a lot more, and for there to usually be additional witnesses that they told about it at the time. People tend to tell their close friends when they have a really bad encounter with some creep.