
Election Night, Thread 3: Some Thoughts on What We're Seeing Tonight

Pawn of the Oppressor11/08/2016 9:17:08 pm PST

I don’t know what to say. I feel sick.

The guy is a vulgar, ignorant fascist **** with a two-minute attention span, half a personality, and a pair of tiny balls firmly in the warm hands of Vladimir Fucking Putin… And apparently half the country has just made him policy director.

So many “What the fuck happens now?” questions in my head.

If anybody tries to put my brown and trans and gay friends & family on a train, they’ll have to come through me first.

We may come out of this with the first Presidential recall in history, because the guy can’t even fucking form a complete sentence, he will NOT know how to run anything. At all. NOT A SINGLE THING.

We’re heading towards an imperium with Dump as figurehead and a horde of slimy fucksticks around him making the “decisions”.

I wonder if we’ll see top-level military resignations. That might be a help. If the top brass quits, that might be enough to send a message.

This guy would be a thug’s president. Nobody with a brain supports him. My small shred of hope is that the apparatus of government in all its forms looks at this guy and just says “No, we won’t do it.”