
Amazing Full-Length Album Lyrics Video: Louis Cole, "Quality Over Opinion"

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS10/16/2022 8:06:36 am PDT

re: #55 William Lewis

The question is - did they know that there was glass there? If yes or no changes the equation tremendously.

I’d bet real money that they didn’t and that they were put up to it by right wing money.

It’s nice to imagine that it took some nefarious outside influence to make activists on “our” side do something like this, but we have them here too (Berkeley is a magnet for people like this) and I have no trouble believing they thought it up their own selves.

As to whether they knew about the glass, I heard an interview with another member of that group, who said they did it to get attention. Damaging the painting would have gotten them the wrong sort. (Also, this isn’t their first action, and they were non-destructive then, too.)