
The Bob Cesca Podcast: Horror Show

ckkatz5/09/2023 6:25:10 pm PDT

With the diplomatic car of Russian general consul Andrei Chemerilo in front, the 9th May parade moved through the small Arctic town that is inhabited mainly by Russian and Ukrainian citizens.

In the air was a Mi8 helicopter and behind Chemerilo’s black Toyota Landcruiser followed a line of more than 50 vehicles, including trucks, tractors and snow mobiles.

At least ten of the snow mobiles were driven by men in green suits, resembling military uniforms.


Many of the parading vehicles belong to Arktikugol, the Russian state mining company that runs most of the local economy. Photos from parade are shared by Arktikugol and its leader Ildar Neverov, as well as by the Russian federal Ministry of the Far East and Arctic. Also several local participants in the parade have shared footage from the parade.