
New Music Video From Bleachers: "Alma Mater"

goddamnedfrank12/08/2023 7:47:47 pm PST

re: #106 🐈 Crush White Nationalism 🐈

I’m a noob from 2009. The creationists had already flamed out, but people were still being told to piss up a rope.

Even though her first words to me were that my username pissed her off I genuinely feel for MandyManners (the β€œgo piss up a rope” lady) for at least two reasons. On a sympathetic level because I suffer from idiopathic hypertension and she eventually had a stroke that absolutely destroyed her and reduced her to a husk not even capable of properly caring for herself. I genuinely fear that end for myself and it’s driven me to develop protective habits and to be more diligent about my health. But also on a less personal level because being that angry and vindictive all the time is just no way to live.

Also, I wonder what happened to her son, because holy fuck that whole situation is something to have had to deal with.