
A Purposely Weird AI Video From Bob Schneider: "Coming My Way"

teleskiguy12/17/2023 7:24:12 pm PST

On Tuesday I’m showing up to the bottom of Gondola One in Vail to ski with children on the telemark ski team at Vail Mountain School, a private school that works closely with the Vail Ski & Snowboard Club, which produces some of the best skiers in the world. I would know, I was a member my junior and senior year in high school.

I’m nervous as fuck.

I’ve crafted *the first question* I’m going to ask the athletes. All your friends are alpine skiing or snowboarding, what made you free your heel?

My father was a coach for decades. I wish I had his help now but my life dictates that I’m on my own with this endeavor.