
Video: Buchanan Advocates Torture for NW 253 Suspect

RogueOne12/29/2009 11:41:16 am PST

re: #79 Gus 802

Our moral obligation would have been to stop him before he had the opportunity to attempt to blow up flight 253. Treating him as they would in a savage country would do nothing for the passengers of that flight but only serve to satisfy the primitive desires of men.

There is zero moral equivalency between not giving an asshat pain meds due to pain caused by his own actions and trying to blow up an airliner filled with holiday travelers. I understand we aren’t allowed to withhold medical treatment due to treaty obligations and our own conscience but that doesn’t make it the “moral” thing to do.

I guess my pet peeve is the downward decline of the word “torture”. Anything short of giving a terror suspect an atty, reading him his miranda rights, putting him in a climate controlled facility and fed halal meals while watching old disney flicks is now considered torture.