
GOP Attacks Thurgood Marshall In Kagan Hearing

aurelius6/28/2010 11:13:32 pm PDT

true.. although Marshall was a Justice for a long time and expressed many views in his written opinions…. he is basically (like Tubman) synonymous in the popular mind with one thing— in his case, racial equality mandated by the federal government.

I think Charles was saying— even though Marshall’s many other views may have been outside the American mainstream— it is racist to say that because to the average American, “Thurgood Marshall” is synonymous with one thing.. and to imply that one thing is outside the mainstream is exceedingly problematic. Appearance of racism is basically racism.

re: #102 Slumbering Behemoth

Minor Quibble: If such were true, then stating such truth is not by itself racist. Now, if you use such a statement of truth in an effort to illustrate why you believe she was wrong in her views, and wrong for doing what she did, then that certainly could be considered racist.