
The Banana Republic of America

FreedomMoon11/07/2010 10:29:13 am PST

re: #101 researchok

This crap goes back decades.

A guy who makes a million a year in income ought not be able to shelter 60 percent of that income. He needs to pay his fair share.

If the tea partiers really wanted to make a difference, they would be pressing congress for that very purpose, but seriously trying to target the wealthy and their tax loopholes is as easy as grabbing a slippery snake in oily water. These people have an ENORMOUS choke hold on politicians—if any significant legislation were to take a chunk out of their pockets it would be shot down. Just look at the concessions Democrats are considering (and will soon concur upon) to the Bush tax cuts, it sounds good to say but getting something down it downright impossible.