
Wired Journalists Say Chat Transcripts Contain 'Nothing Newsworthy'

Usually refered to as anyways12/30/2010 4:49:19 pm PST

re: #111

And if the chat logs do not support it, so what?
It is very possible that Lamo’s contention is supported by something else, isn’t it?

Greenwald seems to have locked on to one specific source as his be-all, end-all acceptable source, but it isn’t necessarily the only acceptable source that exists in the world, is it? Wired may have seen the evidence, but doesn’t have access to it for release. I mean, that is not far-fetched, is it?

That’s why this is so confusing to me. If the chat logs do not support something, it doesn’t mean that the something isn’t true - it only means that the chat logs don’t support it. That’s all. Period. End of it.

The Greenwald / Wired connection is the subject of this thread.

Maybe I can help you with this:
By what right does he steal and publish classified information, and what gives him the right to usurp my rights?

I don’t think Assange stole anything, as I have not seen anything that would suggest he had.