
Overnight Open Thread

RogueOne2/04/2011 5:26:29 am PST

re: #97 simoom

I’d forgotten how stupid discussions on Morning Joe can be. First it was a 5-10 minute back and forth on why our intelligence agencies didn’t have a better handle on who the major opposition leaders / future political candidates are (ummm… maybe it’s because a repressive regime kept such figures from existing or gathering followings?…) and then there was Andrea Mitchell acting as foreign policy expert expressing incredulity that the administration thinks VP Suleiman would consider meeting with the Muslim Brotherhood (he’s already been calling for meetings with them for the last day and a half, and when Egypt’s defence minister addressed Tahrir square earlier today he asked once again for MB reps to come meet with the VP).

I like Morning Joe, they do a decent job of having people from all over the political perspective come in. The reason the CIA didn’t see this coming is because they’re inept. They have had people crawling all over Egypt for 30 years and they missed it. It sort of reminds me of how they didn’t know India had a nuclear round until the Indians tested it.

Right now Matthews is on explaining how we’re screwing our buddy Mubarak. No wonder he went off on that bender about Beck yesterday.