
Saturday Night Short: Efterklang - the Ghost

b_sharp4/06/2013 10:34:41 pm PDT

re: #110 Gus

I don’t need to be protected from misinformation. Anyone that thinks someone like me needs to advised to bullshit hasn’t been paying attention. Also, nuclear waste doesn’t explode. We don’t need to create a world where we protect others according to the lower common denominator. Koch isn’t affecting much concern about climate change one way or the other. Most Americans are busy jerking off and watching garbage TV and drinking beer every night. That’s not the Koch brother’s fault.

Whether you personally need to be protected from misinformation or not isn’t the problem. What the Koch brother’s are doing goes beyond simple misinformation and into areas where people with power are being guided to make bad decisions.

Yes, nuclear waste doesn’t explode, but hydrogen gas that builds up in those canisters can reach a point where it can ignite, given specific conditions.

The idea that the PR program funded by the anti-AGW gang of however many isn’t having a political effect is simply incorrect.