
Onion: Girl Raised from Birth by Wolf

researchok7/23/2010 10:50:03 pm PDT

re: #1134 SanFranciscoZionist

I recall it being a selling point. It was going to be fabulous, and easy, and it wouldn’t cost a thing, and Saddam was gonna kill us all if we didn’t. That’s what we got from the administration.

I do recall a lot of dark doom and gloom about the Republican Guard before the FIRST Gulf War, but they turned out to be, well, less than amazing.

The US support for Iraq at the time is irrelevant.

We gave Saddam the precursors to WMD’s as we did to many nation- all of whom promised- in writing- to use the precursors for pesticide research.

That Saddam later chose to use the precursors to develop WMD’s was a choice he made. The same can be said for OBL and our support we gave him to fight the Soviets. He later chose to turn those weapons on the people of Afghanistan and us.

If I give you a car to go to work and you get drunk and then drive and kill someone, don’t blame me for giving you the car.