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Amory Blaine3/27/2014 3:19:23 am PDT

Scumbag republican makes cruel remarks, goes too far for his own filthy party.

Brown County Republican Party denounces Wisneski statement

Brown County’s Republican Party is distancing itself from County Board candidate Jason Wisneski after statements he made about Democratic state Sen. Dave Hansen, whose granddaughter was killed in a 2007 accident.

Chairman Mark Becker issued a statement Wednesday calling for Wisneski to resign from the Republican Party of Brown County.

“This action is being taken because of recent comments made by Mr. Wisneski referring to State Senator Dave Hansen as a ‘murderer’ regarding the tragic death of his grandchild,” read the email that accompanied the statement issued by Becker.

Here he is taking responsibility blaming everyone else for his lack of moral character and judgement.

In a statement responding to the county Republican Party, Wisneski denied calling Hansen a murderer and said his comments were taken out of context and “doctored and photoshopped” on some “liberal websites.”

“In a stressful moment I merely pointed out what I perceived as media bias because a tragedy was brought up in my life two weeks before my election that was truly not my fault but if a liberal politician goes through a similar painful tragedy it is not covered by the press with the same vigor,” he wrote.