
Your Overnight Gary Busey

Killgore Trout4/05/2014 7:22:25 am PDT

Just a couple miles from my house…
Owner’s anti-gay views cause furor over soon-to-open Sellwood grocery store

“They’re choosing to open a business in a very open-minded neighborhood,” said Tom Brown, owner of Brown Properties and president of the Sellwood Moreland Business Alliance. “I think their personal views are going to hurt.”

Recently, neighbors found Facebook postings by owner Chauncy Childs that brought them up short. She wrote a long post about her opposition to same-sex marriage, complaining that “a tiny minority is dictating a change of our social structure.” She also posted an article, written by someone else, supporting the right of businesses to refuse to serve gay people.

One neighbor posted a seven-minute video on YouTube about the issue, including snippets of Childs’ posts on Facebook, documents that show she is the owner and other information that shows she tried to change her Facebook name.

In a telephone interview with The Oregonian, Childs said she never thought her Facebook views would become public and that they don’t have anything to do with the store she’s trying to open.

“We aren’t discriminating,” Childs said. “We have no anti-gay or anti-racial bias or anything like that. We have members of our family who are homosexual.”

“We’re not going to refuse to serve anybody,” she said. “But we believe a private business should have the right to live their conscience.”

She said she believes that gay marriage is wrong because it is the start of a slippery slope that could eventually lead to pedophilia and bigamy. But she said those are her private religious beliefs and don’t reflect how the store will operate.