
And Now, a Tender Moment of Self-Beclownment Brought to You by TruthRevolt

CuriousLurker1/03/2015 9:31:39 pm PST

re: #113 Souliren

I disagree with her views on abortion and social issues but I respect them. Their foundation is what she thinks is good. I think her views are honestly held and the fact that I profoundly disagree with her does not make her a nut.

I do not see the “obliviot” I see a standard garden-variety good person who many disagree with. […]

I do not get it. I don’t understand it. I don’t know what process drives this thing.

There is a similar process going on in the wingnut blogs frequent with Obama or Debbie wassername Smith […]

So since you find this dislike for Palin so disagreeable that you feel the need to speak up in her defense here, do you also do the same for President Obama? Do you go to right-wing blogs/forums and tell them that you take exception to the horrible things they say about him? I’m just wondering since far uglier things are said about him & his family than are said about Palin. Additionally, Charles has posted numerous articles about those things, yet I’ve never once seen you complain about it.

Oh, and it’s Debbie Wasserman Schultz, one of those difficult to remember Jewish names. //