
Donald Trump Tries to Deny "Schlong" Means What Everyone Knows It Means

Joe Bacon ✅12/22/2015 6:51:43 pm PST

re: #43 Big Beautiful Door

I keep waiting for Trump to play the Birther card against Cruz. Trump brought it up last Spring before he got into the race, but hasn’t mentioned it recently while Cruz was sucking up to him. But now Cruz is becoming an existential (Fav GOP word) threat to Trump’s campaign. Trump’s bullying persona is built on him being a winner, however its starting to look likely that Cruz will beat Trump, possibly by a large margin, in Iowa. Cruz has money and organization, and the support of veteran evangelical voters who dutifully trudge out every four years to vote for the most insane religious fanatic in the race, where Cruz has smartly placed himself. Trump has beaten every prediction that his improbable campaign would start to collapse so far, but even he might wonder if the air will go out of his campaign if Cruz demonstrates that Trump isn’t the winner he portrays himself as. So look for Trump to go birther on Cruz soon. The only reason he might not, I think, is if he has already tested it with focus groups, and it just doesn’t play with GOP voters, who were eager to jump on any reason to oppose a President they loathe, but won’t care so much when the issue is aimed at one of their own.

This is what I’ve been expecting. I fully expect Trump to play the birther card right before the Iowa caucuses!