
Video: Donald Trump Refuses to Disavow the KKK or David Duke

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)2/28/2016 1:21:28 pm PST

Well in a OT politics break I got kind of a cute story. So I’m talking with my mother today. I’m planning a trip to Europe with my youngest brother next summer. We know we want to visit Germany, Austria, Belgium, and the Netherlands. Country number 5 is puzzling us so I say Switzerland or Denmark. She says Switzerland and tells me about how much she loved Heidi growing up and it was one of her favorite books. Well we were talking to my other brother and my niece today. And yep my niece was watching Heidi. She’s developing some personality. Loves to throw stones into the lake but also really likes to choose her clothes carefully. Hard to believe she’s going to be two in a couple weeks.