
Alex Jones and Trump Surrogate Roger Stone Vow to Hold Rally Wearing "Ball Gags"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷6/22/2016 11:43:45 am PDT

From the previous thread:

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

The idea is to derail the discussion by pointing out that you invalid because you do not know the distinction between an “assault rifle” and an “assault weapon” and to get you to shut up and stop asking why so many children and innocent bystanders need to die in the name of a flawed interpretation of the 2nd Amendment.

Also magazine versus clip. (By the way, when I was in the Navy, we called them clips.)

I was at FE Warren Air Force Base yesterday in Cheyenne after I went to the VA (elbow surgery now scheduled after my return from Canada). The base was on some heightened alert status, and Air Police were manning the gates with assault rifles.

What I saw from the guard with her assault rifle (and her partner standing behind her) as I was handing her my wife and my ID:

a) Gun barrel pointed downward.
b) No finger anywhere near the trigger guard, or even on the rifle itself.
c) No waving the rifle around like a crazed RWNJ.

In short, didn’t feel threatened by some sort of negligent firing of her rifle. I would not feel the same about some civilian wingnut with an AR-15.