
And Now, Some Amazing Upside-Down Guitar Mangling by Eric Gales

ObserverArt8/13/2018 7:52:44 am PDT

re: #95 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

They have not affected his personal fortunes. Remember all the times we though that he had gone too far and would self-destruct? That only emboldened him.

Do we know that?

Why did he need to go to the Russian money to keep the Trump companies alive and his image afloat?

Seems when he gets in a jam he runs to others to bail him out and we don’t know the costs to him to do that.

Too many unknowns in Trump world. Does anyone really know any truths about Trump and gang?

The problem is his unknowns are now running the country and we still have no idea what the hell is actually going on.

And now we don’t know the costs to our country and all its systems. How much of America has been sold out so Trump could be president and maintain his image?