
And Now, Meerkats Practice Security

HoosierHoops1/16/2009 8:01:08 pm PST

re: #101 songbird

Life has been interesting. Mr. Songbird has three job offers in hand in the DC area and drove off early this morning. His start date with one company is next Wednesday. I’ll be here until May to finish out my teaching contract and pack out the house. This is the best for us financially as I will get paid through the summer while I’m looking for work and because my daughter is so entrenched in her winterguard program.

I’ll miss Mr. Songbird like anything, but it won’t be as bad as when he used to be a ships officer.

Well I wish you and mr. songbird jus the very best..
I know the morning crew misses the hell out of you and when things settle down the first cup of Kona coffee is on me..