
Pastors Celebrate Charles Darwin

calcajun1/30/2009 6:22:24 pm PST

This is all I’ll say on the subject.

I’m a values and fiscal Conservative. I don’t like big government ‘cause in the wrong hands, it could be as bad as giving your teen-aged son your good Scotch and the keys to the gun safe. I am a Christian; Jesus was real-died cam back—the whole nine yards.

But, do I believe in evolution as expressed by Darwin and his successors? To an extent—yes. I don’t know enough to say definitively yea or nay. I believe that God made the universe—it works too well to have simply happened. He just simply did not leave the assembly instructions laying around for us to read. But he made us curious bastards with the means to dig, scratch and sniff for the clues of how he did it. Hence, science explains religion (not faith).

Now, it’s generally accepted that Moses wrote (via divine inspiration) the first five books of the Bible. So, the old sea-splitter wrote the creation story as told to him by the Great Engineer himself. But, why not tell us how he really did it? Because if Moses tried to explain amino acids, proteins, cellular mitosis and recombinant DNA to a late Bronze Age bunch of desert nomads, he’d been lynched. Don’t snort; there were a couple of times during that long strange trip through the Sinai that they nearly dumped the guy down a well or two. It would have been like trying to explain the development of US fiscal policy to a toddler. Another way of looking the question of why God just didn’t spill the beans back then it is from God’s point of view; “Where’s the fun in that?!”

Seriously, I do not believe in the supernatural—there are simply things that we cannot scientifically explain and there is little empirical evidence to explain certain phenomena. But, to claim that the Earth and humans have been knocking about this rock for only six millennia is daffy—and in a sense—un-Biblical. God is a god of order and reason. He won’t break his own rules (except for said resurrection). So to say that he made this ball of mud six-thousand years ago, but decorated to make it look older makes no sense (and sort of makes the Big Guy into something of an antiques forger). More than that, it makes God into something arbitrary—like the Muslim version of God who loves his kids like an abusive parent does.

Proverbs says that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. We are progressing technologically and scientifically faster than we ever have in human history. But, until we find a way to get off this rock and make an FTL ship with art deco fins any shiny consoles, we will continue to have this debate—which means we’re gonna be talking about this for a century or two more.

Cripes, look at the time.
Cheers, y’all.