
From Fish to Football

Sharmuta3/12/2009 6:08:21 pm PDT


I think you are reading more into the intent of other people than is wise. I think the intent of Mr. Marcus at Founding Bloggers was to show some appreciation, not mock anyone. You are twisting the gesture into something I don’t think exists.

The Darwin Fish you see on cars is taking the Christian fish and turning it into something meant to mock Christians, in your opinion. I can concede that point to you, though I myself am not sure that’s true of every person with such a decal on their car, but that’s another matter.

In this case however, the Darwin Fish is based off of a symbol that represents this blog, which is not a religion, and was intended by the person who created it to be a compliment and not an insult as this was clearly stated by Mr. Marcus. You’re also jumping to the conclusion that this Darwin Football will be the new logo at LGF when nothing has been posted by our host to suggest such a thing.

That you would think this compliment was intended to mock anyone is very telling, imo. It is a distortion on your part, and those who participate on evolution threads know, distortions are what creationists use to advance their agenda. If that is not your intent, then you are doing a poor job.