
Scozzofava Officially Backs Owens

SixDegrees11/01/2009 11:58:28 pm PST

re: #105 Gus 802

Gallup polls show an increase of conservative identity with Americans in recent months in fact holding a majority. Yet at the same time, those that identify as Democrats still hold a lead. That would put “the money” on conservative Democrats.

That’s a generalization of course and probably more applicable with national elections. Districts will vary and people will elect whom they see fit which could be either further to the left or further to the right.

Note that the Blue Dogs are the only Conservatives holding real power within Congress these days. The Democrats aren’t stupid; where it makes sense, their members are co-opting the Conservative platform in order to win elections, and the number of Conservative Democrats is growing as a result. So far, they’ve managed to divorce the worthy portions of Conservatism - fiscal responsibility, a desire for smaller, less intrusive government - from the bullshit peddled by the theocrats on the religious right seeking to peer into every American bedroom and enforce rigid sexual mores while supplanting public education with a nationwide “school” system of Bible studies resembling a warped Christian version of madrassas.

This is a strategy that the GOP should have adopted years ago, but didn’t - they let the religious right seize control of the party, and now have to deal with the fallout from being the party of anti-gay, Bible thumping creationists ready to stuff women into burkas and begin purging heretics from the nation, preferably with fire.