
NPR: Maj. Hasan 'Freaked Out' Other Doctors at Walter Reed

Killgore Trout11/06/2009 1:10:42 pm PST

re: #81 filetandrelease

Am I out of line to suggest that at some point any sane Muslim should start asking “tough questions” about their religion? Like, should I be an athiest or a Buddist or something other than a Muslim?

I am really begining to wonder about Islam, and the violence it perpetuates on man-kind. No way could I belong to a religion that some how or another causes so much death around the world.

This shits getting old.

Rant off.

Although people seem to be downdinging your comment I agree. This is a systemic problem, particularly with Islam. More Muslims should stand up and speak out. Religion, like anything else is a service industry. If Muslims refuse to attend Mosques that praise Palestinian terrorism then those Mosques will have to adapt or go out of business. Anyone praising Palestinian terrorism, killing abortion doctors or “watering the tree of liberty” should be immediately removed from military service or government employment. Unless Muslims take personal responsibility for the Mosques they attend of the groups they associate with nothing is going to change.