
Video: Breitbart Laughs As He Shows Weiner Photo to Shock Jocks

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce6/08/2011 9:25:51 pm PDT

re: #96 LudwigVanQuixote

Despite all of Weiner’s obvious flaws for example, he was asking serious questions about the financial relationship between the Koch brothers and Justice Thomas.

Ahem. Sorry, folks. Just tuning in my radio. gfzzggzzttvbbzzasasahhhh Dang, there’s that interference again. Wait a sec, almost got it…

IRS records show Virginia Thomas received the money from the Heritage Foundation for her work there over that period. The group’s president, Bob Edgar, said in a statement that his group discovered the discrepancy while researching any potential conflicts of interest in the Citizens United vs. the Federal Election Commission Supreme Court decision, which opened the doors for unlimited campaign contributions by corporations.

BZZRFPPPRPT zzttz dang it! Hold, on, something else coming through… zbvvggzztg Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas must recuse himself from any cases regarding the constitutionality of the health care reform law.


How zzrinterstinBbbars. Perzhabbazszz more to this storzzzyybbpp