
Newt Gingrich in 2007: Urgent Action Needed to Address Climate Change

Targetpractice12/04/2011 3:59:19 pm PST

re: #105 HappyWarrior

It will be interesting to see what happens. I think either Mitt wins but emerges weakened kind of like McCain and needs a Palin like hail Mary to get the base close to him or they nominate someone like Newt. I am still not convinced Romney is a good general election candidate honestly. Seems like the type of guy who would be at his best in the 20’s or 90’s since he can’t really empathize with the struggles of everyday Americans and the electorate wants to believe their president understands that.

I think if Romney does win, he will be in the same position Kerry was in ‘04: Leading the ticket only because he’s the least objectionable candidate put up by the party. He’ll then be saddled with a “reliably conservative” VP by the party establishment, though they’ll likely try to avoid repeating the Palin mistake. And in the general, he’ll look great on stage, but keep getting his ass paddled with his own flip-flops, before leading the party to a piss-poor performance on Election Day.